Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Turkish Beans With Meat Recipes


One pound of dried kidney beans
250 gr. Put the cubed
2 tablespoons margarine
2 onions
1 tablespoon tomato paste,


Move the night before, sorting the beans in plenty of water to wet the surge. In this way, leave it until morning. In the morning, after rinsing thoroughly with clean water by filtering the water in the same pot, putting a bit of salt added to beans and water for 15-20 minutes and haşlayınız. In this way the water will leave a brown boiled beans. Süzünüz thoroughly cooked beans with water by placing a filter.
Chop the onions cooking pot and cook in the form of onion bulbs by adding a little oil on the roast. After washing the meat on the onions added to the paste and cook a bit after putting in their water. Then the beans on them enough juice to the salt added to the pot by closing the lid and boil over low heat until done. Tomato season is cooked, the tomatoes and peppers a few sharp image of a different flavor, and is.

The Other White Beans with Meat Recipes


500 gr. dry beans,
2 onions
250 gr. chunks of meat,
2 tablespoons oil,
One tablespoon tomato paste.


The beans are washed and left in water for 12 hours. Sudan removed, placed in a large pot with plenty of water and boiled. Water is filtered.
Oil in a pot, boiled onions, cooked meat mixed with light, 'that glass of tomato paste dissolved in water. Fa-tulyelerle pot with the meat is added. Cooked in a light-fire. If desired, put a little red pepper.


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